Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Pardon the Interruption

While I've joked considerably about the general lack of readership my blog receives, this note is strictly to inform the few of you that do read that there will be a slight service delay as I work to resolve some things.

A few of those issues are somewhat personal, and I may or may not, at a later date, decide to discuss them herein. If you're truly that curious, you probably feel free enough to IM or e-mail or call or visit me and ask me yourself, in which case I'll probably spill my guts to you if I haven't already. That seems like a fair compromise to me.

You may also have noticed that I didn't post an "" blog this past week, or the week before. For the curious weight watchers out there, I assure you the program is still in progress, but it has stalled out, largely for reasons closely associated with the aforementioned veiled "undisclosed circumstances." If you must know, I'm still down roughly ten pounds, and very proud that I'm not putting any weight back on, but I've got some things to handle before I get back to losing weight in earnest. Frankly, I'll probably just abandon the weekly posts (they haven't been all that popular anyway), but I'll bring the topic up if I feel it warrants discussing -- which is generally the way things have always run around my neck of the blogosphere.

Other than that, the truth of the matter is that the upcoming weeks plan to be extraordinarily busy: this weekend alone, I have three days of my first alumni trip to Reunions, plus John's bachelor party, to be followed next weekend by John and Caitlin's wedding, to be followed two weeks thereafter by Michael and Sara's wedding. As my schedule has barely allowed time for me to keep up with the massive amount of reading I've planned on doing for the summer, I'm thinking I should get that business in line first, before spouting off at the keyboard.

So forgive my somewhat-insolent silence, but real life is forcing me away from the computer for awhile. Rest assured, I'm still here and thriving -- I just need to some time to clear my head. If you're willing to find me around here, I assure you I'd appreciate your joining me in the real world during this brief respite.

Soon to be back to your regularly-scheduled programming...


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