Monday, April 28, 2008 - Week 5

Day 29
April 28, 2008
Weight:   x - 7

Progress: Alright, I'll admit it. I think trying to not lose weight during a weekend when I knew I was not going to pay much attention to calories, health content, or moderation was probably a misguided idea. Still, given the circumstances, and the fact that I honestly didn't eat as badly as I thought I was going to, I didn't end up falling off the wagon too badly. I lost only a little bit of ground, and this week should get me back on track.

Mostly what I've learned from The Weekend in terms of eating is that it's definitely the drinking that does me in. We drank a lot this weekend, and though Friday wasn't exactly a banner day in terms of knowing what and what not to eat, at the end of it all, I didn't eat nearly as much as I thought I was going to -- but did drink about as much as I'd anticipated. I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that most of the regain was empty calories from the booze, so we know that I can't afford to go all out and go on a bender if I want to keep myself on track.

Goals for the Week: The primary goal, obviously, is to make up the ground I lost. I was fortunate to have only gained a pound, and by next week's weigh-in, I'd like to see myself back to at least the x - 8 marker I'd hit at the beginning of Week 4. If I can make up the ground, I'll at least prove to myself that the gain, and not the loss, has been the fluke, which will do wonders, I'm sure, for my mental condition as I continue on this plan.

The only other goal is to try and remain focused and in the gym each day this week, considering that the semester's end is sneaking up on me and that means papers and projects are bearing down. All told, though I'm stressing, it's not nearly as bad as it seems once I get down to it and start working. So the goals will be the make sure that work stress doesn't push me to make bad eating choices or cheat on something that I should know better than to have. I need to start building momentum for the trip home, where I won't have the convenience of a daily gym regimen, and so it's time to start committing for real to those eating habits and carry them through the summer. It all starts here.


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