Friday, February 29, 2008

In Shameless Adoration of Quadrennial Occurrences

CAVEAT: There is no substance to this post.

Well, almost none. I had planned to write about a particular topic I overheard on the bus ride back to the car after class, but the discussion got me so riled up that I needed to listen to gloriously loud music to beat it out of my aching brain. Consequently, I don't remember exactly the salient points of my argument, so it will remain to be told another day when, perhaps, it causes me less agony.

But then I realized that my intended rant gave me an excuse to post something into my blog today -- that's know, February 29th -- and it was not a great or unreasonable intuitive leap for me to realize that I was far more interested in the heading of the post reading "February 29, 2008" than I was in writing something that any of my two or three readers might actually give a fuck about.

Of course, I do have a cousin born on February 29th. One of those second cousins, twice- or thrice-removed or some shit. I'm not entirely sure about my relation to him, but I know for sure that you only need one major vein to get from my capillary to his, no matter how distant, so I can further justify this post by wishing Josh a happy birthday. And there it is.

Now I really am out of useful things to say. But then, to be perfectly honest, that really happened yesterday, around 8:30am, when I put the finishing touches on the brain drain of a paper that, you will recall, I bitched about several days ago. One down, one to go, and much more time available for me to complete it.

Given that time frame, and the general mushy consistency of my grey matter, I've been able to get away with spending this day in quiet solitude, doing nothing of importance except beginning to post books to my LibraryThing profile. Since I dig it so much, and often find that the Books application in my Facebook profile is my sole motivation for going on Facebook at all (even though it's gotten really buggy and crappy lately), I've decided to modify the template of this here blog a little and make a nice bibliophilistic display on the right side under the Ego heading.

You can use those fancy little widgets to search, see 12 random books of mine, or click the "Bibliophilistic" link to go directly to my catalog see all the books in My Library (which I hope I will be able to complete over spring break, so keeping looking for additions over the next two weeks). It's kind of on the narcissistic side, I know, but I love hearing from people who read good books and are willing to share them with me, so I hope this will help spur on the same kind of cooperation. And, of course, if you've got any good reads you think I should work on adding, feel free to comment and let me know, either here or on my LibraryThing profile.

Oh yes, and since I'm a whore for attention, friend me on LibraryThing if you're so inclined. As long as your library doesn't suck. Just kidding. (Kinda.)

Annnnnnnd, now I'm really done. Happy Leap Day!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

was it a discussion on how my horse was the reason I spent that year in college?

3/02/2008 05:25:00 PM  

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